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F under 845320 global Supplier Data

F product global trade data has found a total of 3 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of F product.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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845320 3355 CARTONS 23448 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR SPORTING984 6498214 6498992 7475336 7497308 7499847 7499881 7501291 7501384 3355 CARTONS 23448 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR SPORTING984 6498214 6498992 7475336 7497308 7499847 7499881 7501291 7501384 3355 CARTONS 23448 PAIRS OF F lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 3355 60 More Columns Available
845320 1934 CARTONS 15744 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR SPORTING651 6495125 6495479 6498492 6499794 7488450 7491639 7494241 7495940 1934 CARTONS 15744 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR SPORTING651 6495125 6495479 6498492 6499794 7488450 7491639 7494241 7495940 1934 CARTONS 15744 PAIRS OF F lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 1934
845320 FOOTWEAR PO: 4500237106 Q TY: 1492 PRS FOOTWEAR PO: 4500237593 QTY: 2552 PRS F OOTWEAR PO: 4500237134 QT Y: 1924 PRS DITTO DITTO FO OTWEAR PO: 4500237134 QTY : 1621 PRS FOOTWEAR PO: 4500237106 QTY: 1904 PRS FOO TWEAR PO: 4500236374 QTY: 1325 PRS FOOTWEAR lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 1186

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