F product global trade data has found a total of 73 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
3 exporter and 11 Importer shipments are available in the application of F product.
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29 Import Shipments found from 3 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
640391 | FOOTWEAR PO : 8368439 VPN# :158958 PAIRS: 6720 (HTS# 6 403403090) PO NBR: 8368439 SHIPPER: ++ TEL 755-36909 992 FAX 755-32990254 O/B GLO BAL FOOTWEAR INT L LIMITED RM 2701, 27/F, 909 CHEUNG SHA W AN RD KOWLOON, HONG KONG NOT IFY PARTY: ++ ATTN: IMPORTS EM | CN, CHINA | USA | 1697 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
640391 | 174 CARTONS DAVIS SQ F/L CHK WHT PO: 400135023600010 HS C ODE: 6403916075 -PH-002 ANG ELES CITY PHILIPPINES -SABR [email protected] TEL: 336-42 4-4481 -TEL: 336-424-4481 | PH, PHILIPPINES | USA | 174 | |||
640391 | FOOTWEAR PO : 7983040 VPN :167624 PAIRS: 180 (HTS 6403916075) PO NBR: 7983040 GLOBAL FOOTWEAR INT L LIMITED RM 2701, 27/F, 909 CHEUNG SHA WAN RD, KOWLOON, HONG KONG FOOTWEAR PO : 8368543 VPN :155700 PAIRS: 744 (HTS 6403403090) PO NBR: 8368543 GLOBAL FOOTW | CN, CHINA | USA | 1218 | |||
640391 | FOOTWEAR PO : 7983039 VPN :167624 PAIRS: 198 (HTS 6403916075) PO NBR: 7983039 GLOBAL FOOTWEAR INT L LIMITED RM 2701, 27/F, 909 CHEUNG SHA WAN RD, KOWLOON, HONG KONG FOOTWEAR PO : 8368542 VPN :155700 PAIRS: 918 (HTS 6403403090) PO NBR: 8368542 GLOBAL FOOTW | CN, CHINA | USA | 604 |
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