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Poly under 610722 global trade Data

Poly product global trade data has found a total of 22 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

3 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Poly product.

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14 Import Shipments found from 2 importing Countries

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610722 3PC PAJAMA SET FCA SHIPMENT, THC AND B/L FEE COLLECT . PO# 0075-6717915 HS CODE 6107220025/ 6107991030 CAT & JACK 3PC VALUE SET SS (BOYS 100% RECYCLED POLY KNIT 3PC PAJAMA SET) DPCI ITEM NO. CTN 075012664 8 075012665 29 075012666 29 CONTRACT NO. 22JM03050 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 66 60 More Columns Available
610722 BOYS 100% RECYCLED POLY KNIT PAJAMA SET FCA SHIPMENT, THC AND B/L FEE COLLECT . PO# 0075-4781864 HS CODE 6107220025/ 6107991030 CAT & JACK 3PC VALUE SET SS (BOYS 100% RECYCLED POLY KNIT 3PC PAJAMA SET) DPCI ITEM NO. CTN 075012644 15 075012645 75 075012646 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 2833
610722 CAT & JACK 3PC VALUE SET SS PO# 0075-7024294 HS CODE 6107220025/ 6107991030 CAT & JACK 3PC VALUE SET SS (BOYS 100% RECYCLED POLY KNIT 3PC PAJAMA SET) DPCI ITEM NO. CTN 075012644 11 075012647 63 075012648 41 075012649 14 075012650 67 075012651 73 075012652 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 1469
610722 GR 3PC POLY SET (BOYS SET) P.O. NO. 9600610220 ITEM NO. 30347413/30347615 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: 9600610220 SUPPLIER STOCK GRS30405B DIV 12 DEPT 30 INV NO KFL-3415/22 DT 03/12/2022 EXP NO- 2494/ 8247 /22 DT 03/12/2022 CONTRACT NO: WALFAS0522 DATE: 28/03/2 lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 108
610722 FREIGHT COLLECT CAT JACK 3PC VALUE SET SS PO 0075-6717915 HS CODE: 6107220025/ 6107991030 CAT JACK 3PC VALUE SET SS PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: 6717915 (BOYS 100 RECYCLED POLY KNIT 3PC PAJAMA SET) DPCI ITEM NO. CTN 075012667 21 075012668 17 075012669 8 0750126 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 142

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