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Poly under 52094200 global trade Data

Poly product global trade data has found a total of 152 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 5 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

12 exporter and 51 Importer shipments are available in the application of Poly product.

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Export Trade data of Poly

55 Export Shipments found from 4 Exporting Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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52094200 FABRIC CODE: A4-8253/AS-47_X000D_83% COTTON 15% POLY 2% ELASTANE DENIM FABRIC WEAVE:3/1 RHT, F/WIDTH: 51/52 C/WIDTH: 50/51 CLR: IS-126 CONSTRUCTION: RS-84X70D 2-GL P.I NO. AFM1/2022-1268 DATED: 24-12-2022. lock lock Pakistan SRI LANKA 11733 60 More Columns Available
52094200 FABRIC CODE: AGI-17778/F5_X000D_86% COTTON + 5% POST CONSUMER + 8% RECYCLED POLY + 1% ELASTANE DENIM FABRIC F/WIDTH: 59/60 C/WIDTH:58/59 CONSTRUCTION: SSR IRW-44 PCW-8 X LYCRA 40D 45GL P.I NO. AGI/2022-1393 DATED: 22-12-2022 lock lock Pakistan BANGLADESH 5965
52094200 FABRIC CODE: AGI-16806-B/A3 86% COTTON + 5% PCW COTTON + 8% RECYCLED POLY + 1% ELASTANE DENIM FABRIC F/WIDTH: 58/59 C/WIDTH: 57/58 CONSTRUCTION: SSR PCW-8 X LYC 40D 45GL P.I NO. AGI/2023-55 DATED: 18-01-2023 lock lock Pakistan BANGLADESH 10942
52094200 FABRIC CODE: AGI-18449-B/A3 76% COTTON + 10% PIW COTTON + 13% RECYCLED POLY + 1% ELASTANE DENIM FABRIC F/WIDTH: 64/65 C/WIDTH: 63/64 CONSTRUCTION: OES PIW-15 O-03 + OES PIW-15 O-03 X 46-GL-C LYC 40D 866-L P.I NO. AGI/2023-66 DATED: 23-01-2023 lock lock Pakistan BANGLADESH 9637
52094200 87% COTTON 12% POLY 1% ELASTANE DYED DENIM FABRIC. WIDTH: 58. / MANUFACTURED IN EOU PWL NO 02/2021 lock lock Pakistan SOUTH AFRICA 23742.42

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