Poly product global trade data has found a total of 496 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
6 exporter and 17 Importer shipments are available in the application of Poly product.
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29 Export Shipments found from 2 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
5401109000 | 1.41205RENK*PPLUS 1.4 POLYESTER BRAIDED 500M FLANNED MAS , 0105107RENK*POLYART NO: 10 POLYESTER YARN 750M , 0305125RING*POLYART NO: 30 POLYESTER YARN 2500M , 0500450RING* EKOSPUN NO: 50 K.EFEF POLY YARN 5000M , 01051070201*POLYART NO: 10 POLYESTER YARN | Turkey | ROMANIA | 2452 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
5401109000 | 1.41205RENK*PPLUS 1.4 POLYESTER BRAIDED 500M FLANNED MAS , 0105107RENK*POLYART NO: 10 POLYESTER YARN 750M , 0305125RING*POLYART NO: 30 POLYESTER YARN 2500M , 0500450RING* EKOSPUN NO: 50 K.EFEF POLY YARN 5000M , 01051070201*POLYART NO: 10 POLYESTER YARN | Turkey | ROMANIA | 2452 | |||
5401109000 | 120CP100201*1202 POLYESTER SHUTTLE NO: 10 , 100CP100201*1002 POLYESTER SHUTTLE YARN NO: 10 , 100CD100201 DENYE TURLU TEKS POLY SHUTTLE YARN NO: 10 | Turkey | ROMANIA | 91 | |||
5401109000 | 040TA05RENK*NO: 40 POLYPOLY 5000 MT DIKIS IPLIK , 020TA01RENK*203 3000 MT. LOAD. MUC. POLY. IP , 040TA01RENK*403 (2) 2000 MT. LOAD. MUC. POLY. IP , 050TA02RENK*602 4000 MT. LOAD. MUC. POLY. IP , 015TA02RENK*153 2000 MT. LOAD. MUC. POLY. THREAD , | Turkey | POLAND | 3589 | |||
5401109000 | POLY CHIMI COLON | Turkey | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | 20408 |
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