Poly product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Poly product.
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4 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
230146 | CARTONS CONTAINING VALUE CAMI 1249.85 57 38 5 COTTON RECYCLED POLY SPANDEX JERSEY INVOICE HSN-TG2301467 STYLE 8LX0L8 QTYS 10,008 PCS PO 0331-4388063 | NI, NICARAGUA | USA | 551 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
230146 | WF VALUE CREW T-SHIRT 57/38/ 5 COTTON/RECYCLED POLY/SPAN JE RSEY INVOICE: HSN-TG2301465 STYLE: 990ZKK QTYS: 24,984 PCS PO: 0331-7241942 WEIG HT : 3435.46 KGS VOLUME : 26 .337 CBM CONTAINER SUMMA RY - MRSU4558804 ML-N I00 | HN, HONDURAS | USA | 1041 | |||
230146 | VALUE CAMI 57/38/5 COTTON/RE CYCLED POLY/SPANDEX JERSEY I NVOICE: HSN-TG2301462 STYLE: 8LX0L8 QTYS: 20,016 PCS P O: 0331-4939336 WEIGHT : 233 0.5 KGS VOLUME : 19.082 CBM CONTAINER SUMMARY - MRSU5566234 ML-NI0040851 40X9 | HN, HONDURAS | USA | 1102 | |||
230146 | VALUE CAMI 57/38/5 COTTON/RE CYCLED POLY/SPANDEX JERSEY I NVOICE: HSN-TG2301461 STYLE: 8LX0L8 QTYS: 35,022 PCS P O: 0331-1000648 WEIGHT : 376 9.9 KGS VOLUME : 31.382 CBM CONTAINER SUMMARY - MRSU5566234 ML-NI0040851 40X9 | HN, HONDURAS | USA | 1922 |
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