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Jm under 950659 global trade Data

Jm product global trade data has found a total of 3 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Jm product.

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3 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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950659 PRNTD BADMINTON SET PPK 17IN PRINT SKATEBOARD PPK JM PUTTY TUB BOUNCE GIANT WATER WIGGL ER PPK HS CODE#9506590000 9 506991000 3407009000 9503008 900 JM PUTTY TUB BOUNCE PO# 7549401005 ITEM# JMS-TY1038 STYLE# 3116225 UPC# 19223402 1224 HTS# 3407 00 2000 17 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 1343 60 More Columns Available
950659 PRNTD BADMINTON SET PPK 6PC C OSMETIC BRUSH W CUP PPK JM PU TTY TUB BOUNCE HS CODE#950659 0000 9603290090 3407009000 PRNTD BADMINTON SET PPK PO# 7325629005 ITEM# JMTY22OD024 STYLE# 7110019 UPC# 1922340 401592 HTS# 9506 99 1200 JM PUTTY TUB BOUNCE PO# 7544 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 1772
950659 PRNTD BADMINTON SET PPK 6PC C OSMETIC BRUSH W CUP PPK JM PU TTY TUB BOUNCE HS CODE#950659 0000 9603290090 3407009000 PRNTD BADMINTON SET PPK PO# 7325629004 ITEM# JMTY22OD024 STYLE# 7110019 UPC# 1922340 401592 HTS# 9506 99 1200 JM PUTTY TUB BOUNCE PO# 7544 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 2013

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