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94054290 Trade Data from china

94054290 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 1696 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 10 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

2 exporter and 433 Importer shipments are available in the application of 94054290 Hs Code.

Export Trade data of Hs Code 94054290

164 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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94054290 SP0207#&LED LIGHTING WP40CE/1 (LSDL-97A-30W-4000K-V999030016601 CCT) (CE 100- WATT 3,600L LED WALL PACK, 13609326)#&ZZ lock lock Vietnam CHINA 1292 60 More Columns Available
94054290 SP0208#&LED LIGHTING WP80CE/1 (LSDL-97B-60W-CCT-V999030016701) (CE 250- WATT 7,800L LED WALL PACK, 13609327)#&ZZ lock lock Vietnam CHINA 1210
94054290 SP0209#&LED LIGHTING WP120CE/1 (LSDL-97C-90W-CCT-V999030016801) (CE 400- WATT 1200L LED WALL PACK, 13609328)#&ZZ lock lock Vietnam CHINA 954
94054290 SP0157#&LED LIGHTING LBDL-1050-V3-15W-V999030016001-CCT (MWP20FSUNVDBZMINI WP DCST 15W 2K LM 3CCT D2D UNV BZ, 13605832)#&ZZ lock lock Vietnam CHINA 32
94054290 SP0165#&LED LIGHTING ZTGL-1105B-45W-120V-2835-V999040010301 (ARFL50FSDBZWALL FLD DIECAST 45W 5KLM 5CCT D2D 120V, 13605846)#&EN lock lock Vietnam CHINA 2892

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