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Husky under 940399 global trade Data

Husky product global trade data has found a total of 3 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Husky product.

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Import Trade data of Husky

3 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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940399 SHELF SET FOR 28 IN. 2-DOOR B ASE CABINET P.O. NO.: 5916109 7 HTS CODE: 9403999041 HTS C ODE: 9403999041 9403200090 9403200081 -CO.,LTD OF GAOMIN G, FOSHAN CITY SHELF SET FOR 36 IN. GEAR CABINET P.O. N O.: 59161097 HUSKY 48IN WORKS TATION P.O. NO.: 591610 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 294 60 More Columns Available
940399 SHELF SET SHELF SET FOR 48 IN. TALL CABINET P.O. NO. 59123122 HTS CODE 9403999041 7323999080 9403200090 @CO.,LTD OF GAOMING, FOSHAN CITY HUSKY 24 IN. WALL SHELF P.O. NO. 59123122 HUSKY 48 IN. WALL SHELF P.O. NO. 59123122 HUSKY 48IN STORAGE CABINET P.O. NO lock lock CN, CHINA USA 200
940399 SHELF SET FOR 36 IN. GEAR CAB INET P.O. NO.: 59123121 HTS CODE: 9403999041 HTS CODE: 94 03999041 9403200090 9403200 081 -CO.,LTD OF GAOMING, FOSH AN CITY HUSKY 48IN WORKSTATI ON P.O. NO.: 59123121 HUSKY 53 IN. 6-PC GARAGE CABINET S UITEL P.O. NO.: 5912312 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 253

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