901839 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 21448 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 30 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
6 exporter and 1563 Importer shipments are available in the application of 901839 Hs Code.
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17 Export Shipments found from 2 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
9018390000 | AUTOMATIC LANCET | Turkey | POLAND | 10000 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
9018390000 | 510 238*LONG TERM URETERAL STENT SET 6.0 FR 26 CM, 510 239*LONG TERM URETERAL STENT SET 6.0 FR 28 CM, 532 002*STONE EXTRACTION BASKET 4.0 FR. 4 WIRE 90 CM HELICAL, 536 027*GUIDE WIRE 0.028 X 150 CM (FLAT END) , 510 046*URETER SENT SET 4.8 FR 26 CM | Turkey | POLAND | 210 | |||
9018390000 | 510 117*URETERAL STENT SET 4.7 FR 24 CM TWO ENDS OPEN , 510 118*URETER SENT SET 4.7 FR 26 CM TWO ENDS , 510 153*URETER SENT SET 6.0 FR 24 CM , 510 154*URETER SENT SET 6.0 FR 26 CM TWO OPEN ENDED | Turkey | POLAND | 65 | |||
9018390000 | 537 001*URETERAL CATHETER 3.0 FR 70 CM CLOSED TIP , 537 002*URETER CATHETER 4.0 FR 70 CM INDOOR END , 537 003*URETERAL CATHETER 5.0 FR 70 CM INDOOR END , 510 046*URETERAL STENT SET 4.8 FR 26 CM OFF 536 029*GUIDE WIRE 0.035 X 150 CM (FLAT END) | Turkey | POLAND | 450 | |||
9018390000 | 510 119*URETERAL STENT SET 4.7 FR 28 CM TWO ENDS OPEN , 510 034*URETER SENT SET 4.7 FR 26 CM CLOSED , 510 047*URETERAL STENT SET 4.8 FR 28 CM CLOSED , 510 214*LONG TERM URETER STENT SET SET 4.8 FR 26 CM , 510 215*LONG TERM URETERAL STENT SET 4 | Turkey | POLAND | 210 |
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