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Total under 870830 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 64 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

4 exporter and 7 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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870830 TOTAL 20 PKGSBRAKE ROTORHS CODE: 87083000IEC NO. AANCM7898QPAN: AANCM7898QINVOICE : 1591001048 / 17-12-2022SB NO: 6396106 / 23-12-2022NET WT. 15034 KGSGR.WT. 15934 KGSNO OF PKG: 20PURCHASE ORDER NO 99618284FREIGHT COLLECTAZ DC LOCATION: ZAENESVILLE (DC99) lock lock IN, INDIA USA 20 60 More Columns Available
870830 TOTAL 20 PKGSBRAKE ROTORHS CODE: 87083000IEC NO. AANCM7898QPAN: AANCM7898QINVOICE : 1591001049 / 17-12-2022SB NO: 6327115 / 21.12.2022NET WT. 15683 KGSGR.WT. 16583 KGSNO OF PKG: 20PURCHASE ORDER NO 99618285FREIGHT COLLECTAZ DC LOCATION: ZAENESVILLE (DC99) lock lock IN, INDIA USA 20
870830 TOTAL 20 PKGSBRAKE ROTORHS CODE: 87083000IEC NO. AANCM7898QPAN: AANCM7898QINVOICE : 1591001047 / 17-12-2022SB NO: 6327282 / 21.12.2022NET WT. 15980 KGSGR.WT. 16880 KGSNO OF PKG: 20PURCHASE ORDER NO 99618277FREIGHT COLLECTAZ DC LOCATION: ZAENESVILLE (DC99) lock lock IN, INDIA USA 20
870830 TOTAL 20 PKGSBRAKE ROTORHS CODE: 87083000IEC NO. AANCM7898QPAN: AANCM7898QINVOICE : 1591001052 / 17-12-2022SB NO: 6327111 / 21.12.2022NET WT. 14580 KGSGR.WT. 15480 KGSNO OF PKG: 20PURCHASE ORDER NO 99618283FREIGHT COLLECTAZ DC LOCATION: ZAENESVILLE (DC99) lock lock IN, INDIA USA 20
870830 BRAKE ROTOR TOTAL 20 PKGS BRAKE ROTOR HS CODE 87083000 IEC NO. AANCM7898Q PAN AANCM7898Q SB NO 6304061 / 20-12-2022 INVOICE 1591001051 / 17-12-2022 NET WT. 13892 KGS GR.WT. 14702 KGS NO OF PKG 18 PURCHASE ORDER 5300082766 INVOICE 1591001050 / 17-12-2022 N lock lock IN, INDIA USA 20

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