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Lighting fixture under 853952 global trade Data

Lighting fixture product global trade data has found a total of 9 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Lighting fixture product.

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18-Jan-2023 691200 STONEWARE
02-Jan-2023 940390 METAL FURNITURE(SOFA)


18-Jan-2023 691200 STONEWARE
02-Jan-2023 940390 METAL FURNITURE(SOFA)

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Import Trade data of Lighting fixture

9 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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853952 LED LAMP UNB (65W) BR30 SW 6PK DIM CA P.O. NO. 59195069 LED LAMP HTS CODE 8539520030 9405428440 9405118010 8539520010 8539520091 ECS (75W) PAR30 DL 2PK DIM P.O. NO. 59195069 LED LAMP SW LED DIMMABLE DUSK TO DAWN N LGHT P.O. NO. 59195069 LIGHTING FIXTURE 1 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 2177 60 More Columns Available
853952 LIGHTING FIXTURE 4IN LED RECESSED TRIM 4PK CCT T20 P.O. NO. 59195067 LIGHTING FIXTURE HTS CODE 8539520091 8539520030 8539520010 9405428440 9405118010 9405198010 4PK - 5&6IN RECESSED LED TRIM DL T20 P.O. NO. 59195067 LIGHTING FIXTURE 4PK - 4 IN RECESSED LE lock lock CN, CHINA USA 3103
853952 ECS (150W) PAR38 DL 2PK P.O. NO.: 59155468 LED LAMP HTS C ODE: 8539520030 9405118010 8539520091 8539520010 940542 8440 9405118020 14 5CCT LED MULTI RINGS FM P.O. NO.: 59 155468 LIGHTING FIXTURE 30K LUMEN LED HIGH BAY P.O. NO.: 59155468 LIGHTING FIXTURE E lock lock CN, CHINA USA 2371
853952 LIGHTING FIXTURE 4IN LED RECESSED TRIM 4PK CCT T20 P.O. NO. 59182309 LIGHTING FIXTURE HTS CODE 8539520091 8537109170 8539520030 9405428440 9405118010 8539520010 9405196010 9405198010 5&6IN LED RECESSED TRIM CCT BN & BZ P.O. NO. 59182309 LIGHTING FIXTURE 4 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 3044
853952 LIGHTING FIXTURE 4IN LED RECESSED TRIM 4PK CCT T20 P.O. NO. 59165596 LIGHTING FIXTURE HTS CODE 8539520091 8539520010 8537109170 8539520030 9405428440 9405118010 9405196010 9405198010 ECP (60W) A19 FRO SW 2PK DIM P.O. NO. 59165596 LED LAMP 5&6IN LED RECESS lock lock CN, CHINA USA 2869

Export Trade data of Lighting fixture

0 Export Shipments found from 0 Exporting Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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