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Tesla under 848340 global trade Data

Tesla product global trade data has found a total of 3 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Tesla product.

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Import Trade data of Tesla

3 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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848340 (120CTNS=120PLTS) ASY, INT SHAFT MACRO 2.0, 9.0-3500 HS CODE: 8483.40 MADE IN TAIWAN TESLA SHIPMENT NO.: SHP2212-1249741 / TCNU7666102 SHP2212-1249756 / CAIU7111271 SHP2212-1249772 / APHU7339163 SHP2212-1249784 / TCLU9534704 PACKING SLIP: A20221222001/A20 lock lock TW, TAIWAN USA 120 60 More Columns Available
848340 ASY, INT SHAFT (90CTNS=90PLTS) ASY, INT SHAFT MACRO 2.0, 9.0-3500 HS CODE 8483.40 MADE IN TAIWAN TESLA SHIPMENT NO. SHP2211-6204485 / HLBU1533101 SHP2211-6204493 / XINU4053885 SHP2211-6204501 / BMOU3055565 PACKING SLIP A20221215001/A20221215002/A20221215 lock lock TW, TAIWAN USA 90
848340 ASY, INT SHAFT (90CTNS=90PLTS) ASY, INT SHAFT MACRO 2.0, 9.0-3500 HS CODE 8483.40 MADE IN TAIWAN TESLA SHIPMENT NO. SHP2211-3215291 / UACU8535644 SHP2211-3215315 / HLXU5211271 SHP2211-3215323 / TCLU4078601 PACKING SLIP A20221201001/A20221201002/A20221201 lock lock TW, TAIWAN USA 90

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