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Piston under 848330 global trade Data

Piston product global trade data has found a total of 126 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 13 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

16 exporter and 59 Importer shipments are available in the application of Piston product.

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Export Trade data of Piston

37 Export Shipments found from 3 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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8483303890 17481289*PISTON ROD , PISTON ROD , 15001703*FRICTION DISC , 21313541*CYLINDER COVER SEAL , 110348888*CER DEVELY SHAFTI , 20999623*EGENTRIC BED , 15067330*STEEL DISC , 11038721*GRANDMADE BALLET , 17532113*CONTTROL PANTEL PANEL , 9438. DISC , 15067332*STEEL DISC , 1 lock lock Turkey RUSSIAN FEDERATION 270 60 More Columns Available
8483303890 17458689*HEAT EXCHANGER , 15191773*HYDRAULIC PUMP , 209666749*PISTON SHIRT SET , 20943385*CYLINDER COVER GASHA , 20943389*CYLINDER COVER SEAL 3 HOLES , 20798183*CYLINDER COVER SEAL , 20798186 D lock lock Turkey RUSSIAN FEDERATION 489
8483303890 17458689*HEAT EXCHANGER , 15191773*HYDRAULIC PUMP , 209666749*PISTON SHIRT SET , 20943385*CYLINDER COVER GASHA , 20943389*CYLINDER COVER SEAL 3 HOLES , 20798183*CYLINDER COVER SEAL , 20798186 D lock lock Turkey RUSSIAN FEDERATION 489
8483308007 1. SLIDING BEARING W300 WFM-1012-07IGUS FOR PISTON 40 S/N NP-C38-3.A - 66 PCS. - NUMBER 66 PCS, WEIGHT: 0.132 KG 2. PART OF THE PLACE 1. SLIDING BEARING W300 WFM-1517-12IGUS FOR PISTON 40 S/N NP-C38-3.A - 3 PCS. - 3 PCS., WEIGHT: 0.003 KG 2. PART OF THE PLACE 1. SLIDING BEARING W300 WFM-1820-12IGUS FOR PISTON 40 S/N NP-C38-3.A - 9 PCS. - 9 PCS STAKE, WEIGHT: 0.018 KG 2. PART OF THE PLACE 1. SLIDING BEARING W300 WFM-1517-12IGUS FOR PISTON 40 S/N NP-B40-1.B - 3 PCS. - 3 PCS., WEIGHT: 0.003 KG 2. P lock lock Uzbekistan NETHERLANDS 0
8483308090 PİSTON TK STD. lock lock Turkey CYPRUS 4

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