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84729030 Trade Data from uzbekistan

84729030 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 82 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 6 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

1 exporter and 25 Importer shipments are available in the application of 84729030 Hs Code.

Export Trade data of Hs Code 84729030

5 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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8472903000 1. PAYMENT TERMINAL FOR RECEIVING IMEI PAYMENTS 862311061131346 862311061185169 862311061185151 862311061118483 862311061131957 862311061118558 862311061151880 862311061151674 862311061164503 862311061153746 862311061177539 862311061163786 862311061159511 862311061177737 862311061151542 862311061123905 862311061187546 862311061125389 862311061185656 862311061151823 862311061118939 862311061158075 862311061118244 862311061137319 862311061149967 862311061159552 862311061157424 862311061161657 8623 lock lock Kazakhstan UZBEKISTAN 100 60 More Columns Available
8472903000 1. PAYMENT TERMINAL FOR RECEIVING IMEI PAYMENTS 862311061161699 862311061161400 862311061124853 862311061161806 862311061124820 862311061141428 862311061140180 862311061115554 862311061161467 862311061140248 862311061140495 862311061115513 862311061118723 862311061187652 862311061099576 862311061140446 862311061125371 862311061172118 862311061115240 862311061187769 862311061152250 862311061118814 862311061112718 862311061184949 862311061141121 862311061092852 862311061124085 862311061123889 8623 lock lock Kazakhstan UZBEKISTAN 80
8472903000 1. PAYMENT TERMINAL FOR RECEIVING IMEI PAYMENTS 862311061131395 862311061143978 862311061096374 862311061136006 862311061161848 862311061177984 862311061118715 862311061118905 862311061118764 862311061151534 862311061140370 862311061115596 862311061115562 862311061152169 862311061099568 862311061145775 862311061115224 862311061157853 862311061099493 862311061099279 862311061099436 862311061149504 862311061139273 862311061118913 862311061187686 862311061140354 862311061124010 862311061174197 8623 lock lock Kazakhstan UZBEKISTAN 80
8472903000 1. PAYMENT TERMINAL FOR RECEIVING IMEI PAYMENTS 862311061164156 862311061172084 862311061136170 862311061144547 862311061131601 862311061164313 862311061170757 862311061185177 862311061132013 862311061151682 862311061136204 862311061136048 862311061131643 862311061124069 862311061157937 862311061105126 862311061171169 862311061096382 862311061136394 862311061124762 lock lock Kazakhstan UZBEKISTAN 20
8472903000 1. PAYMENT TERMINAL FOR RECEIVING IMEI PAYMENTS 862311061161665 862311061092951 862311061174130 862311061105266 862311061124812 862311061124895 862311061093140 862311061129522 862311061155444 862311061185482 862311061161681 862311061093116 862311061150650 862311061129381 862311061096341 862311061106751 862311061115547 862311061115372 862311061140230 862311061172100 862311061137293 862311061144422 862311061185763 862311061099337 862311061093165 862311061129423 862311061161632 862311061161228 8623 lock lock Kazakhstan UZBEKISTAN 50

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