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Inspiron under 84713020 global trade Data

Inspiron product global trade data has found a total of 104 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

13 exporter and 34 Importer shipments are available in the application of Inspiron product.

Export Trade data of Inspiron

42 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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84713020 NOT.EBOOK DELL INSPIRON 15 3520 I5U085W11BLU(CORE I5-1235U/8GB/512GB/INTEL UHD/15.6INCHFHD/WIN11/OFFICE/BLACK). 100% BRAND NEW #&CN lock lock Vietnam VIETNAM 1 60 More Columns Available
84713020 NOT.EBOOK DELL INSPIRON 15 3520 (N35 20-I5U085W11BLU) (I5-1235U,8GB, 512GB S SD,15.6""FHD, UMA,WIN11,OFFICE HS 21,BLACK,P112F007), MANUFACTURER:DELL, YEAR 2022 , SERIAL NUMBER:8Y729T3. BRAND NEW 100%#&CN lock lock Vietnam VIETNAM 1
84713020 DEL.L INSPIRON 5584 CORE TM LAPTOP: I5-8265U 1.6GHZ, 256GB SSD+ 16GB OPTANE, 8GB 15.6"" (1920X1080) TOUCHSCREEN BT WIN 10. USED GOODS.#&EN lock lock Vietnam VIETNAM 1
84713020 DEL.L INSPIRON 7420 2 IN 1 (1YT85) LAPTOP : I7-1255U/16G RAM/512G SSD/MX550 2G/14 INCH/WIN11/OFFICE HS21/SILVER, 100% BRAND NEW#&CN lock lock Vietnam VIETNAM 1
84713020 LAP.TOP DELL INSPIRON 3520 CPU: INTEL CORE I5-1235U (LAPTOP, WEIGHT 1.85 KG)#&CN lock lock Vietnam VIETNAM 1

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