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Global Buyers Data of 84311000

84311000 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 827 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 15 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

42 exporter and 66 Importer shipments are available in the application of 84311000 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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8431100000 AIRCRAFT INSTALLATION UNIT (LOADING TROLLEY) lock lock Turkey PAKISTAN 5 60 More Columns Available
8431100000 595 827CDT18382 METRIC 38MM 18KN CYL , 595 816CST18382 METRIC 38MM 18KN CYL , 595 818CST27152 METRIC 15MM 27KN CYL , 595 819CST27252 METRIC 25MM 27KN CYL , 595 821CST40132 METRIC 13MM 40KN CYL , 595 822CST40252 METRIC 25MM 40KN CYL , 595 823CST40382 MET lock lock Turkey NETHERLANDS 356
8431100000 60001113 BLOCK CHA陌N , 60001115 PLATE , 60001119 BLOCK , 60001123 SUPPORT , 60001124 GU陌DE UP , 60001125 GU陌DE UP , 60001126 SHAFT , 60001131 SUPPORT , 60001133 PLATE , 60001138 R陌NG , 60001144 WASHER , 60001148 SHAFT , 60001151 COUPL陌NG , 60001152 SUPPORT , 60001153 SPACER , 60001154 lock lock Turkey NETHERLANDS 1018
8431100000 595 827CDT18382 METRIC 38MM 18KN CYL , 595 816CST18382 METRIC 38MM 18KN CYL , 595 818CST27152 METRIC 15MM 27KN CYL , 595 819CST27252 METRIC 25MM 27KN CYL , 595 821CST40132 METRIC 13MM 40KN CYL , 595 822CST40252 METRIC 25MM 40KN CYL , 595 823CST40382 MET lock lock Turkey NETHERLANDS 356
8431100000 60001113 BLOCK CHA陌N , 60001115 PLATE , 60001119 BLOCK , 60001123 SUPPORT , 60001124 GU陌DE UP , 60001125 GU陌DE UP , 60001126 SHAFT , 60001131 SUPPORT , 60001133 PLATE , 60001138 R陌NG , 60001144 WASHER , 60001148 SHAFT , 60001151 COUPL陌NG , 60001152 SUPPORT , 60001153 SPACER , 60001154 lock lock Turkey NETHERLANDS 1018

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