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74192000 Trade Data from finland

74192000 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 146 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 9 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

1 exporter and 53 Importer shipments are available in the application of 74192000 Hs Code.

Export Trade data of Hs Code 74192000

6 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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7419200010 CUHCP Ø 418304X26 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP9050834 P4256HH , CUHCP Ø 824714X36 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP200795719 P9777HG 000203 , AC1Z Ø 396256X55 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201224239 P3290H 000203 , CUHCP Ø 824714X36 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201452959 P9777HG 000202 , C lock lock Turkey FINLAND 34 60 More Columns Available
7419200010 CUHCP Ø 418304X26 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP9050834 P4256HH , CUHCP Ø 824714X36 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP200795719 P9777HG 000203 , AC1Z Ø 396256X55 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201224239 P3290H 000203 , CUHCP Ø 824714X36 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201452959 P9777HG 000202 , C lock lock Turkey FINLAND 34
7419200010 AC1Z Ø 716546X70 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201410483 P3860HH 000201 , AC1Z Ø 716546X70 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201410538 P3860HH 000202 , AC1Z Ø 462318X52 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201420379 P4159HH 000301 , AC1Z Ø 620486X52 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201439881 P4250HH 00 lock lock Turkey FINLAND 14
7419200010 AC1Z Ø 716546X70 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201410483 P3860HH 000201 , AC1Z Ø 716546X70 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201410538 P3860HH 000202 , AC1Z Ø 462318X52 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201420379 P4159HH 000301 , AC1Z Ø 620486X52 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201439881 P4250HH 00 lock lock Turkey FINLAND 14
7419200010 AC1Z Ø 529345X60 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201384092 P4044HH 000201 , AC1Z Ø 529345X60 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201384092 P4044HH 000202 , AC1Z Ø 529345X60 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201384092 P4044HH 000203 , AC1Z Ø 529345X60 MM DİSCS (DİSK) 3AFP201384092 P4044HH lock lock Turkey FINLAND 32

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