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Global Suppliers Data of 721922

721922 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 240 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 5 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

18 exporter and 15 Importer shipments are available in the application of 721922 Hs Code.

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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7219221000 STAINLESS STEEL HAIR (HOT ROLLED) lock lock BELGIUM Turkey 1498 60 More Columns Available
721922 STAINLESS STEEL SHEETS HS: 7219220040 - 7219 320045 K226683732 1538KGS K226683740 1543KG S K226683758 1548KGS K226684938 1747KGS K2 26684988 1508KGS K226687487 1574KGS K226687 502 1565KGS K226687510 1575KGS K226687528 1 193KGS K226687536 818KGS lock lock BE, BELGIUM USA 10
721922 STEEL COIL 22OT.09537A+09551 STEEL COIL 22OT.10731+11358+09538 STEEL COIL 22OT.09645+11327 STEEL COIL 22OT.09646+11327 STEEL COIL 22OT.10667+09645 STEEL COIL 22OT.09537+09552 STEEL COIL 22OT.09646+10667 STEEL COIL 22OT.12174+11358+09538A lock lock BE, BELGIUM USA 18
721922 STEEL COIL 22OT.08113+08113+09028 STEEL COIL 22OT.08229+09035 STEEL COIL 22OT.07287+09036 STEEL COIL 22OT.09035+08222 STEEL COIL 22OT.08940+07836 STEEL COIL 22OT.09036A+07287 STEEL COIL 22OT.08940+09028 STEEL COIL 22OT.08222+07836 lock lock BE, BELGIUM USA 17
7219221000 HOT ROLLED STAINLESS STEEL SHEET lock lock BELGIUM Turkey 1982

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