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F under 710410 global Supplier Data

F product global trade data has found a total of 2 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of F product.

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710410 4354 CTNS = 9272 UNITS TOTAL PO NO. 3526199958 INVOICE NO. 20747 GD NO.: KPPE-EF-123640 , KPPE-SB-123644 DATE: 14-1 2-2022 FREIGHT COLLECT TOT AL NET WT: 15615.50 KGS 307 0 CTNS = 6332 UNITS (CY/CY) 1284 CTNS = 2940 UNITS ( CFS/ CY) MAINSTAYS SEA TURTLE F lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 4354 60 More Columns Available
710410 5633 CTNS = 9556 UNITS TOT AL PO NO. 3526199612 INVOI CE NO. 20663 GD NO. KPPE-E F-98250, KPPE-EF-98277 DAT E: 11-11-2022 FREIGHT COL LECT TOTAL NET WT: 18673. 60 KGS 3441 CTNS = 5712 UN ITS (CY/CY) 2192 CTNS = 38 44 UNITS (CY) MAINSTAYS SE A TURTLE FULL lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 5633

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