F product global trade data has found a total of 51 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
5 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of F product.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
640419 | P.O.NO.:3427402083 524 CASES 06PK TERRY TOWEL F I NO. HM B-EXP-140322-16122022 DATED: 16-12-2022 TOTAL CARTON:524 C ARTONS TTL NT WT:1188.00 KGS TTL GR WT:1551.00 KGS GD NUM BER KPPE-SB-130092-22-12-202 2 COMMODITY : HOME TEXTILE | PK, PAKISTAN | USA | 524 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
640419 | P.O.NO.:3427401183 344 C ASES 6X9 CANVAS DROP CLO TH 880 CASES 18PK TERR Y TOWEL F I NO. HMB-EX P-116309-14102022 DATED: 14-10-2022 TOTAL CARTON: 1224 CARTONS TTL NT WT: 4868.00 KGS TTL GR WT:56 27.00 KGS GD NUMBER KP PE-SB-86432-26-10-2022 C O MMODITY | PK, PAKISTAN | USA | 1224 |
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