Card product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
1 exporter and 0 Importer shipments are available in the application of Card product.
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4 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
63023990 | 60% COTTON 40% POLYESTER PRINTED BED SETS (FLAT+FITTED+PILLOWCASE) (SIZE:145X277(1+1) + 90X193+23 + 50X80 +20-CMS) (3 PCS SET) [IMPORTED YARN POLYESTER / COTTON 100-D/ 24/1, SRO # 327, B/E# 74647/38595 , IGM#493/256, INDEX#83/71, A CARD# 112/112 (1954.17/ | Pakistan | ITALY | 4750 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
63023990 | 60% COTTON 40% POLYESTER PRINTED BED SETS (FLAT+FITTED+PILLOWCASE)(SIZE: 190X277(1+1) + 120X193+23 + 50X80 +20-CMS) (3 PCS SET) [IMPORTED YARN POLYESTER/COTTON 100-D/ 24/1, SRO# 327,B/E# 74647/38595, IGM#493/256, INDEX#83/71, A CARD# 112/112 (1542.50/2313 | Pakistan | ITALY | 3702 | |||
63023990 | 60% COTTON 40% POLYESTER PRINTED BED SETS (FLAT+FITTED+PILLOWCASE)(SIZE: 235X277(1+1) + 170X193+23 + (2)50X80 +20-CMS) (4 PCS SET) [IMPORTED YARN POLYESTER/COTTON 100-D/ 24/1, SRO# 327,B/E# 74647/38595, IGM#493/256, INDEX#83/71, A CARD# 112/112 (1562.50/2 | Pakistan | ITALY | 3750 | |||
63023990 | 60% COTTON 40% POLYESTER PRINTED BED SETS (FLAT+FITTED+PILLOWCASE)(SIZE: 235X277(1+1) + 170X193+23 + (2)50X80 +20-CMS)(4 PCS SET) [IMPORTED YARN POLYESTER/COTTON 100-D/ 24/1, SRO# 327,B/E# 44525/74647/38595, IGM#267/493/256, INDEX#556/83/71, A CARD#112/11 | Pakistan | ITALY | 11250 |
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