Voice product global trade data has found a total of 30 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of Voice product.
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30 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
620462 | KONTOOR WOMENS WOVEN SHORTS W ITH HANGER. NGC ID:700004822 1 BRAND: LEE HTS CODE:6204 628056 PO CUT #45005994530010 0 STYLE#112330416 NGC STYLE# 112330416 QTY:8563 PCS. IN VOICE NO:3422031072 DATE:11-D EC-2022 EXP NO:2859-105214-20 22 DATE:11-DEC-2022 CON | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 373 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
620462 | ANA WOMEN PANTS 94% COTTON, 5 % RECYCLED COTTON,1% SPANDEX CONTRACT NO: 2211127 ORDER N O: 300056106763 HTS CODE: 62 04.62.8021 QUOTA CAT: 348 IN VOICE NO: STBL/2022/1553 DATE : 03.12.2022 EXP NO: 44000126 -008709-2022 DATE: 03.12.202 2 SALES CONTRACT NO | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 802 | |||
620462 | GIRLS WVN SKORTALL SUB/CONTRA CT: 374/2206312 LOT: 5368 IN VOICE NO: BDLJCP-2022-1531 DA TE: 2022-12-08 EXP NO.: 1949 -026302-22 DATE: 2022-12-08 PO:9613-498K, 1439-314C, 1587 -310R STUFFING LOCATION - OCL SHIPPING BILL NUMBER-201567 7 SHIPPING BILL DATE | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 38 | |||
620462 | ANA WOMEN PANTS 94% COTTON, 5 % RECYCLED COTTON 1% SPANDEX CONTRACT NO: 2211473 ORDER N O: 300056749316 HTS CODE: 62 04.62.8021 QUOTA CAT: 348 IN VOICE NO: STBL/2022/1582 DATE : 12.12.2022 EXP NO: 44000126 -008939-2022 DATE: 12.12.202 2 SALES CONTRACT NO | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 636 | |||
620462 | GIRLS WVN SKORTALL SUB/CONTRA CT: 374/2206314 LOT: 5369 IN VOICE NO: BDLJCP-2022-1532 DA TE: 2022-12-08 EXP NO.: 1949 -026303-22 DATE: 2022-12-08 PO:9613-498K, 1439-314C, 1587 -310R STUFFING LOCATION - OCL SHIPPING BILL NUMBER-201567 5 SHIPPING BILL DATE | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 21 |
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