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F under 620449 global Supplier Data

F product global trade data has found a total of 7 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

1 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of F product.

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620449 177 3/4 DZS = 2133 PCE OF INFANTS/TODDLER GIRLS LINEN F IBERS, WOVEN DRESS, E XTENDS BELOW THE MID THIGH 55% LINEN 45% RAYON PO NO.: K6QW6JA STYLE NO. : 539619 INVOICE NO.: GLY22122638 HS CODE 620 4495060/6209909000 NPWP : 02 .192.905.4-057.000 KPBC : 06 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 25 60 More Columns Available
620449 101 5/6 DZS = 1222 PCE OF INFANTS/TODDLER GIRLS LINEN F IBERS, WOVEN DRESS, E XTENDS BELOW THE MID THIGH 55% LINEN 45% RAYON PO NO. : K4KV1MA STYLE NO. : 539619 INVOICE NO. : GLY22122632 HS CODE 6 204495060/6209909000 NPWP : 02.192.905.4-057.000 KPBC : 04 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 15
620449 105 DZS = 1260 PCE OF INFANTS/TODDLER GIRLS LINEN F IBERS, WOVEN DRESS, EXTENDS BELOW THE MID THIGH 55% LINEN 45% RAYON NPWP 02.192.905.4. 057.0000 HS CODE 6204495060/ 6209909000 PO. NO.: K4KV1JA STYLE NO.: 539619 INVOICE NO. GLY22112610 KPBC CODE: 060100 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 15
620449 129 2/3 DZS = 1556 PCE OF INFANTS/TODDLER GIRLS LINEN F IBERS, WOVEN DRESS, EXTENDS BELOW THE MID THIGH 55% LINEN 45% RAYON NPWP 02.192.905.4. 057.0000 HS CODE 6204495060/ 6209909000 PO. NO.: K4AZ6FA STYLE NO.: 539619 INVOICE NO. GLY22112602 KPBC CODE: 06 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 19
620449 133 2/3 DZS = 1604 PCE OF INFANTS/TODDLER GIRLS LINEN F IBERS, WOVEN DRESS, EXTENDS BELOW THE MID THIGH 55% LINEN 45% RAYON NPWP 02.192.905.4. 057.0000 HS CODE 6204495060/ 6209909000 PO. NO.: K4AZ6JA STYLE NO.: 539619 INVOICE NO. GLY22112609 KPBC CODE: 06 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 19

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