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Dex under 620342 global trade Data

Dex product global trade data has found a total of 39 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 7 Importer shipments are available in the application of Dex product.

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18-Jan-2023 691200 STONEWARE
02-Jan-2023 940390 METAL FURNITURE(SOFA)


18-Jan-2023 691200 STONEWARE
02-Jan-2023 940390 METAL FURNITURE(SOFA)

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Import Trade data of Dex

39 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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620342 GIRLS 66% COTTON 29% POLYESTER 3% RAYON 2% SPANDEX DENIM PAN TS PO#12467 WR ; STYLE:25-S45 7-M9 ; COLOR: MDWS WOMENS 9 2% COTTON 6% POLYESTER 2% SPAN DEX DENIM PANTS PO#12469 WR ; STYLE:25-S403-M9 ; COLOR: MDW S INVOICE#MK/22/314 lock lock RO, ROMANIA USA 451 60 More Columns Available
620342 HTS CODE NO : 6203424503 WEA RING APPAREL MENS WOVEN 80% COTTON 18% POLYESTER 2% SPAN DEX PANT P.O#: 669796 ST YLE#: 2407743 PCS/QTY. 8 134 PCS. SB. C 2087676 DT.23 .12.2022 INVOICE NO.CWL33796 2022 DT.17.12.2022 EXP NO. 1335-013583-2022 DT.22.12.20 22 CO lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 330
620342 HTS CODE NO : 6203424503 WEA RING APPAREL MENS WOVEN 80% COTTON 18% POLYESTER 2% SPAN DEX PANT P.O#: 671510 ST YLE#: 2407708 PCS/QTY. 2 051 PCS. SB.C 2087688 DT. 23 .12.2022 INVOICE NO.CWL33799 2022 DT.17.12.2022 EXP NO. 1335-013584-2022 DT.22.12.20 22 CO lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 87
620342 HTS CODE NO : 6203424503 WEA RING APPAREL MENS WOVEN 80% COTTON 18% POLYESTER 2% SPAN DEX PANT P.O#: STYLE#: 67 1677 2407619 PCS/QTY. 211 8 PCS. SB. C 2087702 DT. 23 .12.2022 INVOICE NO. CWL33 8002022 DT. 17.12.2022 EXP NO. 1335-013585-2022 DT. 22.12.2022 lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 90
620342 READY MADE GARMENTS MENS 98% COTTON 2% SPAN DEX WOV EN SHORTS (02789) P.O. NO:1434048 6 STYLE NO:MS 31X132RS1 HS CODE:620342 45 51 CASE NO:23-GKOHLM1- 0238 INV.NO:AGLKDS 226155 DT:20-DEC-22 S/C.NO:LFK H/AGL/SN-11/ 2022 DT:6-SEP- 22 EXP NO.:2228-031057-2 0 lock lock LK, SRI LANKA USA 9389

Export Trade data of Dex

0 Export Shipments found from 0 Exporting Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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