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Dex under 610443 global trade Data

Dex product global trade data has found a total of 7 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Dex product.

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18-Jan-2023 691200 STONEWARE
02-Jan-2023 940390 METAL FURNITURE(SOFA)

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Import Trade data of Dex

7 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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610443 54 CARTONS = 1650 PIECES OF WOMENS SYNTHETIC FIBERS, KNIT DRESS, EXTENDS BELOW THE MID THIGH [77% POLYESTER 23% SPAN DEX] PO NO :L1NE96A STYLE NO : 831911 INVOICE NO : GL D22128977 HTS 6104432010 N PWP :021929054-057000 PEB NO : 198740 PEB DATE :8-DEC KPB lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 54 60 More Columns Available
610443 79 CARTONS = 2565 PIECES OF WOMENS SYNTHETIC FIBERS, KNIT DRESS, EXTENDS BELOW THE MID THIGH [77% POLYESTER 23% SPAN DEX] PO NO. :K7TP1MA STYLE NO. : 831911 INVOICE NO. : GLD22118685 HTS: 6104432010 NPWP :02.192.905.4-057.000 PEB NO : 791585 PEB DATE : 14 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 79
610443 131 CARTONS = 4271 PIECES OF WOMENS SYNTHETIC FIBERS, KNIT DRESS, EXTENDS BELOW THE MI D THIGH 77% POLYESTER 23% SPAN DEX PO NO. :L1OL1JA STYLE NO. : 831911 INVOICE NO. : G LD22118785 HTS 6104432010 NPWP :02.192.905.4-057.000 P EB NO : 191207 PEB DATE : 2 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 131
610443 166 CARTONS = 5433 PIECES OF WOMENS SYNTHETIC FIBERS, KNIT DRESS, EXTENDS BELOW THE MI D THIGH 77% POLYESTER 23% SPAN DEX PO NO. :L1NV4JA STYLE NO. : 831911 INVOICE NO. : G LD22118784 HTS 6104432010 NPWP :02.192.905.4-057.000 P EB NO : 191206 PEB DATE : 2 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 166
610443 10 CARTONS = 295 PIECES OF W OMENS SYNTHETIC FIBERS, KNIT D RESS, EXTENDS BELOW THE MID THIGH ??77% POLYESTER 23% SPAN DEX?? PO:K7TL39A STYLE : 8 31911 INVOICE NO. : GLD22118 706 HTS:6104432010 NPWP :0 2.192.905.4-057.000 PEB NO : 188057 PEB DATE :18-NOV lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 10

Export Trade data of Dex

0 Export Shipments found from 0 Exporting Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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