Gloss product global trade data has found a total of 6 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Gloss product.
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1 Buyers found in 1 Countries
18-Jan-2023 691200 | STONEWARE |
02-Jan-2023 940390 | METAL FURNITURE(SOFA) |
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0 Suppliers found in 0 Countries
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6 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
540823 | 42 8 DRAWER MOBILE WORK BENCH (GLOSS BLUE) SKU# 1007721 294 PO# : 59111228 5911122 9 59111230 59111231 FF=53Y0024128 S/C#:298654306 FREIGHT COLLECT, SHIPPER LO AD & COUNT SCMU4309703-4400- 120-CT-CY/CY-10044-KGM-71.86- MTQ-223533440 TCKU7857681-4400 -120 | KH, CAMBODIA | USA | 480 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
540823 | 42 8 DRAWER MOBILE WORK BENCH (GLOSS BLUE) SKU# 1007721 294 PO# : 59111053 5911105 5 59111057 59111059 5911 1062 59111069 FF=53Y00 23453 S/C#:298654306 FREIG HT COLLECT, SHIPPER LOAD & COU NT MRKU2504540-4400-120-CT- CY/CY-10044-KGM-71.86-MTQ-53Y0 023453 | KH, CAMBODIA | USA | 720 | |||
540823 | 42 8 DRAWER MOBILE WORK BENCH (GLOSS BLUE) SKU# 1007721 294 PO# : 59111136 5911114 0 59111149 (TOTAL: THREE H UNDRED AND SIXTY CARTONS) ON BOARD DATE: DEC 18, 2022 FF=53Y0022506 FREIGHT CO LLECT, SHIPPER LOAD & COUNT SUDU8512105-4400-120-CT-CY/CY -10044 | KH, CAMBODIA | USA | 360 | |||
540823 | 42 8 DRAWER MOBILE WORK BENCH (GLOSS BLUE) SKU# 1007721 294 PO# : 59111133 5911113 5 59111138 59111139 5911 1142 59111144 59111146 5 9111148 (TOTAL : NINE HUNDRE D AND SIXTY CARTONS ONLY.) FF=53Y0023647 S/C#:2986 54306 FREIGHT COLLECT, SHIPP ER LOAD & COU | KH, CAMBODIA | USA | 960 | |||
540823 | 42 8 DRAWER MOBILE WORK BENCH ?GLOSS BLUE? SKU# 1007721 294 PO# : 59111099 5911110 1 59111102 59111105 5911 1121 59111122 FF=53Y00 23692 S/C#:298654306 FREIG HT COLLECT, SHIPPER LOAD & COU NT HASU4371310-4400-120-CT- CY/CY-10044-KGM-71.86-MTQ-2231 44955 | KH, CAMBODIA | USA | 720 |
0 Export Shipments found from 0 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
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