Garden product global trade data has found a total of 6 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Garden product.
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6 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
521042 | GARDEN FURNITURE PO# 58184 303 58184226 DEPT#028 SC #298654306 FF=53Z0232181 S/C#:298654306 FREIGHT CO LLECT, SHIPPER LOAD & COUNT TGHU6890357-4400-144-CT-CY/CY -5231.04-KGM-64.75-MTQ-2231002 42 SUDU6727980-4400-186-CT-CY /CY-6321.28-KGM-64.83-MTQ-2231 | N/A | USA | 330 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
521042 | GARDEN TOOLS PO#5378583082 FF=55T0142298 SI=231-70 882918265 S/C#:GCM0003B22 FREIGHT COLLECT MSKU0289286- 4400-249-CT-CY/CY-641.42-KGM- 4.91-MTQ-223313302 | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 249 | |||
521042 | GARDEN FURNITURE PO# 58184 235 58184213 DEPT#028 SC #298654306 FF=53Z0233115 S/C#:298654306 FREIGHT CO LLECT, SHIPPER LOAD & COUNT MSKU9393901-4400-157-CT-CY/CY -5738.52-KGM-61.56-MTQ-2232612 49 MRSU5547229-4400-208-CT-CY /CY-5392.32-KGM-62.09-MTQ-2232 | SG, SINGAPORE | USA | 365 | |||
521042 | GARDEN FURNITURE FSC 100% EU CALYPTUS PO# 58184266 58 184486 DEPT#028 SC#2986543 06 FF=53Z0232159 S/C#: 298654306 FREIGHT COLLECT, S HIPPER LOAD & COUNT PONU1406 216-4200-124-CT-CY/CY-4507.04 -KGM-51.4-MTQ-223098702 PONU17 86184-4200-105-CT-CY/CY-3983 | CN, CHINA | USA | 229 | |||
521042 | GARDEN FURNITURE PO# 58184 546 58184252 58184531 58 184248 58184219 DEPT#028 SC#298654306 FF=53Z0232 282 S/C#:298654306 FREIGHT COLLECT, SHIPPER LOAD & COUNT TCNU1120201-4400-115-CT-CY /CY-4811-KGM-52.41-MTQ-2231319 79 TCKU7079693-4400-169-CT-CY /CY-516 | MY, MALAYSIA | USA | 822 |
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