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F under 482020 global trade Data

F product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of F product.

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Global Buyers of F

3 Buyers found in 1 Countries

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18-Jan-2023 691200 STONEWARE
02-Jan-2023 940390 METAL FURNITURE(SOFA)


18-Jan-2023 691200 STONEWARE
02-Jan-2023 940390 METAL FURNITURE(SOFA)

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Import Trade data of F

4 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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482020 COMPOSITION BOOK = 1523 CTNS SECTION SEWN BOOK = 90 CTNS F ILLER PAPER = 80 CTNS CONSTRU CTION PAD = 50 CTNS DRAWING B OOKS = 100 CTNS HS CODE 48202 000 INV. NO. RTL/EXP/020/22- 23 S.BILL NO.5899255 DT. 03 / 12/2022 CONTAINER NO. MRSU307 8837 / 40 HC SHIP lock lock IN, INDIA USA 6430 60 More Columns Available
482020 EXERCISE NOTEBOOKS, PADS AND F ILE FOLDERS HS CODE 48202000 , 48201090 & 48203000 EXERCISE NOTEBOOKS, PADS AND F ILE FOLDERS HS CODE 48202000 , 48201090 & 48203000 EXERCISE NOTEBOOKS, PADS AND F ILE FOLDERS HS CODE 48202000 , 48201090 & 48203000 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 5003
482020 1527 CARTONS (ONE THOUSAND F IVE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN CARTO NS ONLY.) EXERCISE NOTEBOOKS HS CODE 48202000 INV.NO.: K R/EXP/2022-23/426 DT.: 25/11/2 022 S.B.NO. : 5724258 DT. 25/11/2022 INV.NO. : KR/EXP/2 022-23/426 NET.WT. 23874.140 KGS lock lock IN, INDIA USA 1527
482020 6573 CARTONS (SIX THOUSAND F IVE HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE CART ONS ONLY.) EXERCISE NOTEBOOKS HS CODE 48202000 INV.NO.: K R/EXP/2022-23/422, KR/EXP/20 22-23/423, KR/EXP/2022-23/424 DT: 24/11/2022 & DT: 26/11/2 022 S.B.NO.: 5697373, 5697315 , 5697375 DT.: 24/1 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 6573

Export Trade data of F

0 Export Shipments found from 0 Exporting Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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