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Jute bags under 420222 global trade Data

Jute bags product global trade data has found a total of 11 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 5 Importer shipments are available in the application of Jute bags product.

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Import Trade data of Jute bags

11 Import Shipments found from 3 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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42022200 JUTE HAND BAGS 75 PCS,FRT CH : INR 3000 X 23.5% = INR 705.00 lock lock INDIA SriLanka 75 60 More Columns Available
420222 COTTON BAGS,JUTE ENVELOPES,COTTON LACE,JUTE TINATED HS CODE 42022220,58042910,63024090,63 049999,59039020 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 39
420222 01 X 40 CONT. 971 (NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE) CARTON CONSISITNG OF 93660 PCS JUTE & COTTON HAND BAGS(WOVEN) & COTTON APPRON (WOVEN) ITC HS CODE : 420222.30420222.20630790.20 INVOICENO.: ECO/22-23/41470 DATE :05.12.2022 SB NO. : 5954680 DATE: 06.12.2022 NET lock lock IN, INDIA USA 971
420222 JUTE COTTON HAND BAGS WOVEN TOTAL NO OF PC S 56500 PCS HS CODE 420222.30, 420222.20 PO lock lock LK, SRI LANKA USA 1000
420222 LCL/LCL100 CARTONS = 5000 PCS JUTE SHOPPING BAGS AS PER INVOICE NO: GJM/285/2022-23 DATED 23.11.2022HS CODE : 42022230SHIPPING BILL NO.: 5695191 DATE: 24.11.2022FREIGHT COLLECTN ET WT. :1394.00 KGS lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 100

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