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4009420090 Trade Data from belgium

4009420090 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 1811 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

7 exporter and 153 Importer shipments are available in the application of 4009420090 Hs Code.

Export Trade data of Hs Code 4009420090

49 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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4009420090 323012081 HEATING WATER HOSE (EPDM PET EPDM) 516 (Ø8X16MM) , 323012121 HEATING WATER HOSE (EPDM PET EPDM) 1532 (Ø12X20MM) , 323012151 HEATING WATER HOSE (EPDM PET EPDM) 1932 (Ø15X23MM) , 323012171 HEATING WATER HOSE (EPDM PET lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 11019 60 More Columns Available
4009420090 427210080 FLAT HOSE (Ø8X15MM 1000MM) EPDM PEROX+KEVLAR , 427210120 FLAT HOSE (Ø12X19MM 1000MM) EPDM PEROX+KEVLAR , 427210150 FLAT HOSE (Ø15X222MM 1000MM) EPDM PEROX+KEVLAR , 4272 10180 FLAT HOSE (Ø18X25MM 1000MM) EPDM PEROX+KEVLAR , 4272102 lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 15634
4009420090 427817027 ELBOW HOSE (Ø22X30MM 150X150MM) EPDMAREPDM, 427817029 ELBOW HOSE (Ø28X37MM 200X200MM) EPDMAREPDM, 427817030 ELL WITH ELBER HOSE (Ø30X39MM 200X200MM) , 427817034 ELBOW HOSE (Ø40X49MM 300X300MM) EPDMAREPDM, 427 lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 739
4009420090 AUTO.RAD.HOR. (RUBBER HOSE) lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 890
4009420090 WATER ANALYSIS HOSE lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 3

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