Tube product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Tube product.
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4 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
400220 | COPPER CONTAINING 33.347,89 LBS - COPPER TUBE PO-221012EE INV EXP-14020/22 EE 22/ A518-5 DU-E 22BR002115119-7 RUC 2BR591066660001711 34100202212131040 NCM 7411.10.10 INCOTERMS 2020 - DDP P. NET LBS 33.347,89 P. GROSS LBS 34.989,86 FREIGHT PREPAID/ FREIGHT | BR, BRAZIL | USA | 13 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
400220 | LBS - COPPER TUBE CONTAINING 40.504,85 LBS - COPPER TUBE PO C659-24604 INV EXP-14016/22 EE 22/A269-6 DU-E 22BR002059885-6 RUC 2BR591066660001711 33402202212021417 NCM 7411.10.10 INCOTERMS 2020 - DDP P. NET LBS 40.504,85 P. GROSS LBS 40.637,13 FREIGHT PREP | BR, BRAZIL | USA | 25 | |||
400220 | COPPER TUBE FCL/ FCL SHIPPERS LOAD, STOW COUNT AND SEAL 35.561,07 LBS - COPPER TUBE PO 493-136402 INV EXP-14022/22 EE 22/A272-8 DU-E 22BR002078112-0 RUC 2BR591066660001711 33641202212061746 NCM 74111010 INCOTERMS 2020 - DDP P. NET LBS 35.561,07 P. GROSS L | BR, BRAZIL | USA | 27 | |||
400220 | COPPER TUBE CONTAINING 40.327,41 LBS - COPPER TUBE C603-10012022 INV EXP-14017/22 EE 22/9437-9 DU-E 22BR002024147-8 RUC 2BR591066660001711 31017202211031137 NCM 7411.10.10 INCOTERMS 2020 - DDP P. NET LBS 40.327,41 P. GROSS LBS 40.496,05 FREIGHT PREPAID/ F | BR, BRAZIL | USA | 36 |
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