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Global Trade Data of 400135

400135 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 5 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of 400135 Hs Code.

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Import Trade data of Hs Code 400135

5 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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400135 767 CARTONS OF 4,252 PRS OF MEN S FOOTWEAR ORDER NO. STYL E NO. NGC NO. HS.CODE 400135 121700010 TB0A1Q54214 501190 3012 640391 400135128900010 T B0A27W7001 5011903012 640419 400135101900010 TB0A5SZ3214 5011903012 640391 4001351292 00010 TB0A16NN001 50119 lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 1701 60 More Columns Available
400135 4,202 CARTONS OF 23,876 PRS OF MEN S AND WOMEN S FOOTWEAR ORDER NO. STYLE NO. NGC NO. HS.CODE 400135124800010 TB015 631242 5011887642 640391 40 0135125900010 TB0A1T16001 501 1887642 640391 40013512700001 0 TB0A283H001 5011887642 6404 19 400135122000010 TB lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 4202
400135 404 CARTONS OF 2,262 PRS OF MEN S AND WOMEN S FOOTWEAR OR DER NO. STYLE NO. REF NO. HS. CODE 400135130600010 TB0A29BJ 001 V000004248 640419 40013 5133700010 TB0A29QB001 V00000 4248 640419 400135127400010 T B0A28WF001 V000004248 640291 400135126500010 TB0A lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 404
400135 858 CARTONS OF 4,787 PRS OF MEN S AND WOMEN S FOOTWEAR OR DER NO. STYLE NO. REF NO. HS. CODE 400135127400010 TB0A28WF 001 V000004252 640299 40013 5126700010 TB0A27X5001 V00000 4252 640419 400135127200010 T B0A28PT001 V000004252 640299 400135130300010 TB0A lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 858
400135 119 CARTONS OF 656 PRS OF ME N S FOOTWEAR ORDER NO. STYLE NO. REF NO. HS.CODE 40013510 2000010 TB0A2CCH214 V0000031 24 640391 -DISTRICT,TAKEO PRO VINCE,KINGD OM OF CAMBODIA TE LL:032 633 37 99 (-)SABRINA_ [email protected] TEL: 336-424- 4481 45 CARTONS OF 204 lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 164

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