Unit product global trade data has found a total of 146 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
3 exporter and 10 Importer shipments are available in the application of Unit product.
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123 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
39219090 | NC144#&HARDENING RESIN FOR SOFT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DRILLED CODE: B0103801622-SJA-48-PP0001-1, MODEL: VMB5-0201000_REV0.1Q_SD_RF_56VIA-(1L)PP-1 ,(UNIT PRICE GC:1388VND/TAM)# &VN | Vietnam | VIETNAM | 10 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
39219090 | NC139#&HARDENING RESIN FOR SOFT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS DRILLED CODE: B0103801022-SJA-15-PP0006-1, MODEL: VMVST-0201000 REV0.3(U TYPE)-(6L)PP-1 ,(GC UNIT PRICE: 1620VND/TAM)#&VN | Vietnam | VIETNAM | 13 | |||
39219090 | NC143#&HARDENING RESIN FOR SOFT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DRILLED CODE: B0103801622-SJA-46-PP0003-1, MODEL: VMB5-0201000_REV0.1P_SD_TEST10_34CL_DEL-(3L)PP-1 ,(UNIT PRICE GC:1388VND/TAM)# &VN | Vietnam | VIETNAM | 17 | |||
39219090 | NC140#&HARDENING RESIN FOR SOFT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DRILLED CODE: B0103801622-SJA-30-PP0001-1, MODEL: VMB5-0201000_REV0.1B_SD_75457-(1L)PP-1 ,(UNIT PRICE GC:1388VND/TAM)# &VN | Vietnam | VIETNAM | 42 | |||
39219090 | NC141#&HARDENING RESIN FOR SOFT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DRILLED CODE: B0103801622-SJA-30-PP0005-1, MODEL: VMB5-0201000_REV0.1B_SD_75457-(5L)PP-1 ,(UNIT PRICE GC:1388VND/TAM)# &VN | Vietnam | VIETNAM | 42 |
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