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Self adhesive pvc under 39199090 global Supplier Data

Self adhesive pvc product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Self adhesive pvc product.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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39199090 2090 SQM SELF ADHESIVE PVC FILM WHITE COLOR 0805Q3B0A0 PVC80B P 11K WHITE (PART CONTAINER NO. FCIU5461279) B/L NO. HDMUTYOA15968303 OTHER B/L NO'S HDMUTYOA15968300, HDMUTYOA15968302, HDMUTYOA15968301 lock lock JAPAN Pakistan 610.74 60 More Columns Available
39199090 7335 SQM SELF ADHESIVE PVC FILM WHITE COLOR 400515724E FP5011 PK 11HL (PART CONTAINER NO. FCIU5461279) B/L NO. HDMUTYOA15968301 OTHER B/L NO'S HDMUTYOA15968303, HDMUTYOA15968300, HDMUTYOA15968302 lock lock JAPAN Pakistan 1900.34
39199090 9925 SQM SELF ADHESIVE PVC FILM WHITE COLOR 330113107E FP3011 PK 11HL (PART CONTAINER NO. FCIU5461279) B/L NO. HDMUTYOA15968302 OTHER B/L NO'S HDMUTYOA15968303, HDMUTYOA15968300, HDMUTYOA15968301 lock lock JAPAN Pakistan 2662.48
39199090 10500 SQM SELF ADHESIVE PVC FILM TRANSPARENT APPLICATION TAPE 169993400 T-214 (PART CONTAINER NO. FCIU5461279) B/L NO. HDMUTYOA15968300 OTHER B/L NO'S HDMUTYOA15968303, HDMUTYOA15968302, HDMUTYOA15968301 lock lock JAPAN Pakistan 1690

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