Total product global trade data has found a total of 16 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
1 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
390810 | SYNTHETIC CHAIR PO# 30002282 22 4000228222 5000228222 6 000228222 PCS PKGS CBM KGS 11 22 8.401 407 11 22 8.401 407 36 72 27.495 1332 32 6 4 24.44 1184 TOTAL: 90 180 68.737 3330 DITTO DITTO DITTO | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 180 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
390810 | 2C4P KUBA LT GRY RW NVY CF LI VING SET PO# 1000237714 200 0237714 3000237714 50002377 14 SET CTNS CBM KGS 1 6 32 17.12 1272 16 32 17.12 1272 20 40 21.4 1590 12 24 12.84 954 TOTAL: 64 128 68.48 5088 DITTO DITTO DITTO (-) PROVINCE, VIET NAM | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 128 | |||
390810 | PAULO SOPHA PO# 3000226251 5000226251 6000226251 SET PKGS CBM KGS 28 28 40.04 1848 12 12 17 .16 792 6 6 8.58 396 TOTAL: 46 46 65. 78 3036 (-)VIETNAM | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 46 | |||
390810 | ALEGRE DINING SET WITH WOODEN TABLE PO# 1000226178 20002 26178 4000226178 SET PKGS CBM KGS 6 18 11. 22 384 11 33 20.57 704 19 57 35.53 1216 TOTAL: 36 108 67.32 2304 | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 108 | |||
390810 | WATER HYACINTH BASKETS PO# 1 000670148 6000670148 7000670 148 SETS CTNS CBM KGS 120 120 13.12 936 212 212 23.17 1653.6 325 325 35.52 2535 TOTAL: 6 57 657 71.81 5124.6 | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 657 |
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