33072090 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 166 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 4 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
12 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of 33072090 Hs Code.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
330720900000 | DESODORANTES CORPORALES | ECUADOR | Panama | 720 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
330720900000 | LULE DESODORANTE REFRESHING VERBENA RS: 110925 PAIS: ECUADOR FAB: INTIAROME SA DE ECUADOR LOTE: 20221000016911 ELA: 01/11/2022 CAD: 01/11/2023 24 BX | ECUADOR | Panama | 288 | |||
330720900000 | LULE DESODORANTE NATURAL TRUE SHEA BUTTER RS: 110925 PAIS: ECUADOR FAB: INTIAROME S A DE ECUADOR LOT: 20221100015311 ELA: 25/11/2022 CAD: 25/11/2023 54BX | ECUADOR | Panama | 648 | |||
330720900000 | LULE DESODORANTE NATURAL FRAGANCE FREE RS: 110925 PAIS: ECUADOR FAB: INTIAROME S A DE ECUADOR LOT: 20221000015711 ELA: 28/10/2022 CAD: 28/10/2023 32BX | ECUADOR | Panama | 384 |
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