Unit product global trade data has found a total of 12 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 6 Importer shipments are available in the application of Unit product.
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12 Import Shipments found from 2 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
293399 | TOYOTA VEHICLE(S) - MODEL UNIT(S) ZN8-B YK8 . 7 ZN8-BYE8 . 1 ZN8-BYF7 . 4 AXUH8 5L-ANXSBA . 2 GZEA14L-BHFRZA . 19 MZEA12L-AEXSBA . 6 MZEA1 8L-AEXDBA . 40 MZEA18L-AEXLBA . 355 ZWE219L-AEXLBA . 109 ZWE21 9L | JP, JAPAN | USA | 988 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
2933998008 | 1. CAPTOPRIL IMPURITY C, L 02.00/ 1 BOTTLE(S) PER UNIT OF SALES, 15 MG PER BOTTLE | FRANCE | Kazakhstan | 1 | |||
293399 | 01 X 40HC CONTAINING 20 PALLET S WITH 5720 PACKAGES 10 PALL ETS = 2.860 PACKS = 34320 UNIT S OF ITAIPAVA PILSEN BEER 350 ML 4,5% 10 PALLETS = 2.860 PA CKS = 34320 UNITS OF ITAIPAVA MALZBIER 350ML 4,2% INV: 113 6721356 DU-E: 23BR000006783-9 RUC: 3BR7341032 | BR, BRAZIL | USA | 5720 | |||
293399 | TOTAL : 13 UNIT(S) -HX160AL 5 (S/NO : 0182, 0186, 0193, 0194, 0196) HX210AL 2 (S/NO : 0543, 0553) HX350AL 1 (S/NO : 0296) HX350AL 2 (S/NO : 0294, 0295) HX520AL 2 (S/NO : 0145, 0146) HX130ALCRD 1 (S/NO : 0281) | KP, KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF | USA | 13 | |||
2933998008 | 1. ITRACONAZOLE TO TEST THE SUITABILITY OF THE SYSTEM L04.00/SDS 201600500 CAS 84625-61-6, 1 BOTTLE(S) PER UNIT OF SALES, 15 MG PER BOTTLE | FRANCE | Kazakhstan | 6 |
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