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Global Suppliers Data of 2932

2932 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 121 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 10 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

41 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of 2932 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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293229 DELTA SOCKS 611596 YSM TSHIRT 610910 4508955487-00010 4 508955487-00020 4508958388-00 010 4508958388-00020 4508997 824-00010 4509007810-00030 PLANT:1012 lock lock AF, AFGHANISTAN USA 280 60 More Columns Available
293229 DELTA SOCKS 611596 MAT TSHIRT 610910 4508988032-00010 4 509052688-00010 4509052688-00 020 4509052688-00030 4509052 779-00020 4509052779-00030 4 509001864-00010 4509001864-00 020 SHIP TO:0000458420 lock lock AF, AFGHANISTAN USA 754
293229 DELTA SOCKS 611596 45089880 41-00010 4508988041-00020 45 09020593-00020 4509020928-000 10 4509020928-00020 SHIP T O:0000477692 lock lock AF, AFGHANISTAN USA 284
293229 DELTA SOCKS 611596 45089783 17-00140 4509013946-00020 45 08988038-00010 4508988038-000 20 4508988038-00030 SHIP T O:0000412521 lock lock AF, AFGHANISTAN USA 39
293229 DELTA SOCKS 611596 45089229 84-00010 4508922984-00020 45 08976230-00110 4508976230-001 40 4508976230-00160 SHIP T O:0000458420 lock lock AF, AFGHANISTAN USA 322

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