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Global Suppliers Data of 270730

270730 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 45 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 5 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

9 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of 270730 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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270730 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13391 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13391 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13391 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13391 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13391 lock lock HK, HONG KONG USA 2975 60 More Columns Available
270730 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13375 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13375 AIRFRYERP/O NO.:TRI.13375 lock lock HK, HONG KONG USA 1785
270730 AIRFRYERP/O NO.:TRI.13391 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13391 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13391 AIRFRYER P/O NO.:TRI.13391 lock lock HK, HONG KONG USA 2380
270730 65 PCS ON [1PLT(STC: 49CTNS) + 64CTNS]=113CTNS CABLE ASSEMBLY P.O#: 12285GR ITEM NO.:D-0915C-09 CABLE ASSEMBLY P.O#: 12285GR ITEM NO.:099-4001 CABLE ASSEMBLY P.O#: 12308GR ITEM NO.:099-9515 CABLE ASSEMBLY P.O#: 12308GR ITEM NO.:099-9515 PRINTED CIRCUIT BO lock lock HK, HONG KONG USA 113
270730 FOODSTUFF, SAUCE FOODSTUFF, SAUCE P/O & AMOY SALES ORDER NO. BFNYGL112322A (830013504) AND P/O & AMOY SALES ORDER NO. BFNYGL112322B (830013505) @ TD [email protected] @@ RTD [email protected] lock lock HK, HONG KONG USA 2800

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