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Global Suppliers Data of 2514

2514 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 22 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

8 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of 2514 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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251400 1285 CARTONS(PACKED IN 31 PACKAGES OF SLATE STONE) AS PER INVOICE NO: MIPL-22-23/0164 DT 09/11/2022 S.BILL NO; 5390496 DT 11/11/2022 PO#1001392922 NET WEIGHT : 26013 KGS. IEC NO: 0588177342 FREIGHT : COLLECT HS CODE: 25140000NET WEIGHT : 26013 KGS.EXPO lock lock LK, SRI LANKA USA 31 60 More Columns Available
251400 1472 CARTONS (PACKED IN 46 PACKAGES OF SLATE STONE) AS PER INVOICE NO: MIPL-22-23/0162 DT 09/11/2022 S.BILL NO: 5388347 DT 11/11/2022 PO#1001392920 IEC NO: 0588177342 FREIGHT : COLLECT HS CODE: 25140000, NET WEIGHT : 22908 KGS CUSTOM SEAL : BOLT02367907 E lock lock LK, SRI LANKA USA 46
251400 1472 CARTONS (PACKED IN 46 PACKAGES OF SLATE STONE) AS PER INVOICE NO:MIPL-22-23/0163 DT 09/11/2022 S.BILL NO: 5415116 DT 12/11/2022 PO#1001392921 IEC NO: 0588177342 CUSTOM SEAL : BOLT02367909 HS CODE: 25140000 NET WEIGHT : 23506 KGS 2ND NOTIFY PARTY FD S lock lock LK, SRI LANKA USA 46

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