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F under 210690 global Supplier Data

F product global trade data has found a total of 18 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

5 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of F product.

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210690 TAZA FOOD PRODUCTS. NET WEIGHT: 16900.00 KG S FR EIGHT COLLECT ============ ========== ========= === ON BEHALF OF EXPORTER: TAZA FOOD PRODUCTS (PVT.)LIMITE D HBL# PGSMKHI12328NYK F I NO: HBL-EXP-033980-17112 022 FI NO: H BL-EXP-039225- 13122022 FI NO: HBL lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 1680 60 More Columns Available
210690 42-ROLLS = 55,504 - YARDS (1X40 FCL) AIR JET LOOMS A GRADE GREIGE QUALITY F ABRIC QUAL ITY CODE: 00163 3 GREIGE FABRIC - 9.5/1 C D CVC (55:45) X 9.5/1 CD C VC (55:45) / 43 X 46, 62 1/1 PLAIN LENO - MANUFA CTURED. AS PER EXPORT SALE S CONTRACT NO. 2002969 lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 42
210690 134 CARTONS 4326 PACKS O F SOCKS PP MENS ANKLE SO CK BLK 6TO12 10 PR PP ME NS TUBE S OCK WHITE 6TO12 1 0PR PP MENS BLACK TUBE 1 0PR PO NO ITEM/LINENO. Q TY UNITS 6082354 2 700321 /2 1836 EAC 60823542 700 322/3 117 0 EAC 60823542 799843/5 1320 EAC DOCUME N lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 134
210690 TAZA FOOD PRODUCTS. NET WEIGHT: 18877.00 KG S FRE IGHT COLLECT ============= ========== = ===ON BEHALF O F EXPORTER : TAZA FOOD PRO DUCTS (PVT) LIMITED. FI NO : HBL-EXP-036249-30112022 FI NO: HBL-EXP-033980-17 112022 HBL# PGSMKHI12272 NYK lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 1910

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