Big bags product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
1 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Big bags product.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
210220 | MSKU 694640-7 40/DRY 8 6 20 B IG BAGS GROSS WEIGHT: 19360.00 0 KGS BATCH NO. 47-22-S1-3 N ET WEIGHT: 19000 KG H.S. CODE : 21022019000 MARKS AND NUMB ERS: SEAL: 180656 MRKU 079514 -8 40/DRY 8 6 20 BIG BAGS GRO SS WEIGHT: 19420.000 KGS BATC H NO. 47-22-S1-2 | DE, GERMANY | USA | 40 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
210220 | MSKU 647918-0 40/DRY 8 6 20 B IG BAGS GROSS WEIGHT: 19460.00 0 KGS BATCH NO. 46-22-S1-2 N ET WEIGHT: 19000 KG H.S. CODE : 21022019000 MARKS AND NUMB ERS: SEAL: PCC 0376900 MRKU 0 51157-6 40/DRY 8 6 20 BIG BAG S GROSS WEIGHT: 19440.000 KGS BATCH NO. 47-22 | DE, GERMANY | USA | 40 | |||
210220 | CAAU 526318-5 40/DRY 8 6 20 B IG BAGS GROSS WEIGHT: 19400.00 0 KGS BATCH NO. 43-22-S1-3, 44-22-S1-1 NET WEIGHT: 19000 KG H.S. CODE: 21022019000 M ARKS AND NUMBERS: SEAL: PCC 03 76029 MRSU 443044-9 40/DRY 8 6 20 BIG BAGS GROSS WEIGHT: 1 9440.000 KGS BATCH | DE, GERMANY | USA | 80 |
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