Iv bags product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Iv bags product.
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4 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
19019090 | (RELIEF GOODS) - SUPER CEREAL - WHEAT SOYA BLEND (WSB+) (TOTAL 293,112 BAGS INTO 32,568 CTNS) UNDER MOFA NO. P (IV)-2/68/IMP-CUM-EXP/2023/65548 - DATED: 11-01-2023 (VERBALE NO. 22/682 - DATED: 21-12-2022) (REMAINING DETAILS AS PER ATTACHED DOCS) | BELGIUM | Pakistan | 439668 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
19019090 | (RELIEF GOODS) - SUPER CEREAL - WHEAT SOYA BLEND (WSB+) (TOTAL 382,320 BAGS INTO 42,480 CTNS) UNDER MOFA NO. P (IV)-2/68/IMP-CUM-EXP/2022/65261 - DATED: 26-12-2022 (VERBALE NO. 22/673 - DATED: 12-12-2022) (REMAINING DETAILS AS PER ATTACHED DOCS) | BELGIUM | Pakistan | 573480 | |||
19019090 | (RELIEF GOODS) - SUPER CEREAL - WHEAT SOYA BLEND (WSB+) (TOTAL 382,320 BAGS INTO 42,480 CTNS) UNDER MOFA NO. P (IV)-2/68/IMP-CUM-EXP/2022/65248 - DATED: 26-12-2022 (VERBALE NO. 22/672 - DATED: 12-12-2022) (REMAINING DETAILS AS PER ATTACHED DOCS) | BELGIUM | Pakistan | 573480 | |||
19019090 | (RELIEF GOODS) - SUPER CEREAL - WHEAT SOYA BLEND (WSB+) (TOTAL 407,808 BAGS INTO 45,312 CTNS) UNDER MOFA NO. P (IV)-2/68/IMP-CUM-EXP/2022/65246 - DATED: 26-12-2022 (VERBALE NO. 22/671 - DATED: 12-12-2022) (REMAINING DETAILS AS PER ATTACHED DOCS) | BELGIUM | Pakistan | 611712 |
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