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Global Suppliers Data of 1206

1206 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 1689 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 10 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

191 exporter and 15 Importer shipments are available in the application of 1206 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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1206001000 1. SUNFLOWER SEEDS FOR SOWING, HYBRID P62LL109, SOWING UNIT - 150,000 GRAINS, BATCH NO. 5724785-825 P.E lock lock TURKEY Kazakhstan 825 60 More Columns Available
1206001000 1. SUNFLOWER SEEDS FOR SOWING HYBRID P63LE10, SOWING UNIT - 150,000 GRAINS, BATCH NO. 5716321Z - 260 P.E., BATCH NO. 5715795Z - 1394 P.E lock lock TURKEY Kazakhstan 1654
1206001000 1. SUNFLOWER SEEDS FOR SOWING, HYBRID P64LP130, SOWING UNIT - 150,000 GRAINS, BATCH NO. 5720347-1061 P.E., BATCH NO. 5720350-354 P.E.,BATCH NO. 5720382-540 P.E.,BATCH NO. 5720371-1198 P.E lock lock TURKEY Kazakhstan 3153
1206001000 1. SUNFLOWER SEEDS FOR SOWING, HYBRID P63LE10, SOWING UNIT - 150,000 GRAINS, BATCH NO. 5713102-82 P.E., BATCH NO. 5713106-1575 P.E.,BATCH NO. 5713092-72 P.E.,BATCH NO. 5713093-273 P.E.,BATCH NO. 5713100-1200 P.E.,BATCH NO. 5713117-645 P.E.,BATCH NO. 5713118-8 0 P.E lock lock TURKEY Kazakhstan 3927
120600 SUNFLOWER SEEDS HS CODE : 120600100000 SUNFLOWER SEEDS HS CODE : 120600100000 lock lock TR, TURKEY USA 58

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