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Global Trade Data of 090832

090832 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 25 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 7 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

8 exporter and 15 Importer shipments are available in the application of 090832 Hs Code.

Import Trade data of Hs Code 090832

17 Import Shipments found from 7 importing Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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0908320000 CARDAMOM MEDIUM SKG lock lock UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Ghana 5 60 More Columns Available
09083201 CARDOMONO MOLIDO lock lock UNITED STATES Mexico 5.443
090832 ASSORTED SPICES TOTAL 3284 CARTONS ONLY 1X40 HQ 3284 CTNS ASSORTED SPICES S/BILL NO 5840964 DT 30.11.2022 5840244 DT 30.11.2022 INVOICE NO. F-16974, F-16975 HS CODE NO 09083210, 09101130, 09083120, 09071090, 09061110, 09042110, 12099190, 09042110, 0910910 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 3284
090832 1X 40 HQ 4098 CTN ASSORTED SPICES S/BILL NO.: 6486170 DT: 27.12.2022 HS CODE: 09083210, 09071090, 09061110, 09042 09109100, 12099990, 09092200, 09093200, 0910109042219, 09042211, 09103030, 08045090, 09109 09092190, 09093129, 09096139, 09109912, 1207409096 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 4098
09083200000 SPICES-CARDAMON WHOLE lock lock INDIA Uganda 352

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