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Global Suppliers Data of 0808

0808 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 7535 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 12 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

490 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of 0808 Hs Code.

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080820 774 CARTONS = 12443 PIECES OF 53 CTNS = 1,8 TS 6110.30) 22 CTNS = 760 PCS PO. 129008 STY LE 9KWM2WJ3O 31 CTNS = 1,056 PCS PO lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 774 60 More Columns Available
080810 TIRE AS PER PI.4280/21,0191/22,0219/22,0273/22, 1189/22(R-1),1191/22,1193/22,1195/22, 1629/22,1883/22,3233/22(R-2) ======================================== TIRES SAMPLE TIRES (AT NO COMMERCIAL VALUE) GROSS WEIGHT 11,720.00 KGS NETT WEIGHT 11,701.70 KGS GR lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 862
080810 TIRE AS PER PI.4280/21, 0144/22, 0146/22, 2986/22, 2988/22, 1629/22 ======================================== TIRES SAMPLE TIRES (AT NO COMMERCIAL VALUE) GROSS WEIGHT 11,860.00 KGS NETT WEIGHT 11,842.15 KGS GRAND TOTAL 749 PACKAGES lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 749
080810 AS PER PI.0490/22,0891/22, 2641/22(R-1),2643/22(R-1) 6011 PCS DELI BRAND TIRES AS PER PI.0490/22,0891/22, 2641/22(R-1),2643/22(R-1) 6011 PCS DELI BRAND TIRES lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 2414
080810 AS PER PI.0891/22,2641/22(R-1), 2643/22(R-1) 3819 PCS DELI BRAND TIRES AS PER PI.0891/22,2641/22(R-1), 2643/22(R-1) 3819 PCS DELI BRAND TIRES lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 1905

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