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Global Suppliers Data of 0712

0712 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 985 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 20 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

273 exporter and 7 Importer shipments are available in the application of 0712 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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0712909000 PARSLEY DEHYD STEAM TREATED (DRIED VEGETABLES) [164529] lock lock NETHERLANDS Turkey 750 60 More Columns Available
071290 720 CARTONS BEING 245 X 16 LBS PARSLEY FLAKES DUTCH CURLY BATC H 32075 221021 420 X 16 LBS PARSLEY FLAKES DUTCH CURLY BATC H 32075 220161 55 X 16 LBS PARSLEY FLAKES DUTCH CURLY BATCH 32075 221001 F.D.A. REG.NR. 10936286334 HS CODE 0712.90.90 PO 69964 TOTA lock lock NL, NETHERLANDS USA 720
071290 720 CARTONS BEING 137 X 16 LBS PARSLEY FLAKES DUTCH CURLY BATCH 32075 220151 583 X 16 PARSLEY FLAKES DUTCH CURLY BATCH 32075 220271 F.D.A. REG.NR. 10936286334 HS CODE 0712.90.90 PO 69962 TOTAL GW, 5832 KG (12866 LBS ) TOTAL NW. 5220 KG (11520 LBS) lock lock NL, NETHERLANDS USA 720
071290 720 CARTONS BEING 417 X 16 LBS PARSLEY FLAKES DUTCH CURLY BATC H 32075 220271 303 X 16 LBS PARSLEY FLAKES DUTCH CURLY BATC H 32075 221021 F.D.A. REG.NR. 10936286334 HS CODE 0712.90.90 PO 69963 lock lock NL, NETHERLANDS USA 720
07129000000 SUN DRIED TOMATO AND GARLIC lock lock NETHERLANDS Uganda 13

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