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Cooler under 021019 global trade Data

Cooler product global trade data has found a total of 18 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Cooler product.

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Import Trade data of Cooler

18 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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021019 GDC MEDIUM US/115V/60HZ/USPL R600A 360 COOLER V2 STYLE SMALL US/115V/60HZ lock lock DE, GERMANY USA 58 60 More Columns Available
021019 BAGS,HATCH PACK 1008 CTNS = 6048 PCS HATCH PACK PO NO . 846651 STYLE 91001 FLASHPOINT PACK PO NO . 846657 STYLE 91002 SPRINT 24 CAN COOLER PO NO . 849934 STYLE 96002 INVOICE PTSM221202-2 BA 2210JKT79354 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 1008
021019 DOK 196383 20221205 IDSRG 060100 PEB FREIGHT COLLECT 1538 CTNS = 11736 PCS OF OGIO DOWNTOWN BACKPACK PO: 846855 STYLE: 91006 OGIO DOWNTOWN TOTE PO: 846858 STYLE: 94000 OG SPRINT 12 PACK COOLER PO: 849931 STYLE: 96001 SPRINT 24 CAN COOLER PO: 849934 STYLE lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 1538
021019 DOK 191494 20221125 IDSRG 060100 PEB FREIGHT COLLECT 1009 CTNS = 7638 PCS OF OGIO RANGE BACKPACK PO: 846848 STYLE: 91007 OG SPRINT 12 PACK COOLER PO: 849931 STYLE: 96001 MM PACK PO: 861927 STYLE: MMB200 BA : 2210JKT79359 INV : PTSM221128-3 2ND NOTIFY:SANM lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 1009
021019 DOK 191493 20221125 IDSRG 060100 PEB 1662 CTNS = 11412 PCS OF CATALYST DUFFEL PACK PO: 846668 STYLE: 95001 RAGE PACK PO: 846675 STYLE: 108089 OG SPRINT 12 PACK COOLER PO: 849932 STYLE: 96001 BA : 2211JKT79586 INV : PTSM221128-4 2ND NOTIFY:SANMAR CORPORATI lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 1662

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