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Total under 020329 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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020329 FROZEN PORK LOIN BACK RIBS 27- 32 OZ (765G - 907G) HTS#0203.2 9 TOTAL NET WEIGHT: 24972.60 KGS / 55055.09 LB TOTAL GROSS WEIGHT: 25852.46 KGS / 56994. 85 LB MARK & NO.: ES-10.03935 /GE CE SHIPPING MARK: 0388220 224 THC AT DESTINATION IS PRE PAID IN ORIGIN lock lock ES, SPAIN USA 1189 60 More Columns Available
020329 FROZEN PORK LOIN BACK RIBS +25 OZ (+709G) HTS#0203.29 TOTAL NET WEIGHT: 25026.47 KGS / 551 73.86 LB TOTAL GROSS WEIGHT: 25895.23 KGS / 57089.14 LB MA RK & NO.: ES-10.03935/GE CE S HIPPING MARKS: 0381220215 THC AT DESTINATION IS PREPAID IN ORIGIN lock lock ES, SPAIN USA 1174
020329 FROZEN PORK LOIN BACK RIBS 27- 32OZ (765G-907G) HTS #0203.29 TOTAL NET WEIGHT: 24954.20 KG S / 55014.53 LB TOTAL GROSS W EIGHT: 25839.24 KGS / 56965.71 LB MARK & NO.: ES-10.03935/G E CE SHIPPING MARK: 038822022 2 THC AT DESTINATION IS PREPA ID IN ORIGIN lock lock ES, SPAIN USA 1196
020329 FROZEN PORK LOIN BACK RIBS 23- 29 OZ (653-822 G) HTS #0203.29 TOTAL NET WEIGHT: 24690.20 K GS / 54432.51 LB TOTAL GROSS WEIGHT: 25532.32 KGS / 56289.0 6 LB MARK & NO.: ES-10.03935/ GE CE SHIPPING MARK: 03832202 02 THC AT DESTINATION IS PREP AID IN ORIGIN lock lock ES, SPAIN USA 1138

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